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      Dermclar Liposomes doublechin abdomen 5ml.
      • Dermclar Liposomes doublechin abdomen 5ml.

      Dermclar Liposomes doublechin abdomen (10x5ml)


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      Reducing and firming solution

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      Last time this product was added to a cart: 11/09/2021

      The localized body fat has been an aesthetic problem which recquires a combination of substances,with a proven lipolytic effect,and helping restructurate and hydrate the area,preventing flaccidity due to the reduction or elimination of adiposites.

      ORGANIC SILICON:it is an organic structure element of the connective tissue,it forms part of the macromolecules of this tissue such as collagen,elastine,structural proteoglycans and glycoptoteins.

      Has two important actions:
      *Lipolytic effect proven to be supirior two the ones served as reference:teofiline and caffeine.Acting at very low concentrations.
      *Inhibits the formation of free radicals:hydrolisis?of triglyrerides to formation of unsaturated fatty acids and reorginises the lipids at yhe cell membrane.Increasing its resistance to peroxides(free radicals)
      PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE:it is a phosphoglyceride(phospholipide from glycerol)found in the cell membrane.The phosphatidylcholine acts basically contributing in the transportation of fatty acids,facilitates its solubility ,participates in the formation of structuralelements of cell membrane.

      Powerfull emulsifierconverting the solid adiposite deposits in a fine oil-aqueous fluid,less dense for easy metabolization,transportation and elimination.

      HYALURONIC ACID:assures the cohesion of the connective tissue,very important role at skin level.It is a natural polysaccharide and one of the mucopolysaccharide acid found in the matrix of skin cells.Redifines the skin,diminishes fine lines,wrinkles and furrows of aging skin.

      DESOXICOLATE:helps in the lipotrophyc action.It bassically contributes in the transportation of the fatty acids.Emulsifier.Helps maximizing the phosphstidylcholine action.

      L-CARNITINE:maximize the movility of the triglycerides acelareting its metabolization.

      CAFFEINE:it has a lipolytic effect,inhibits the enzimes responsable of the destruction of AMPc,related to the degradation of triglycerides.As a vasodilator increases the blood flow.Has lipolytic and venotonic effect.

      Localized body fat:double chin and abdomen.With lipolytic and firming action.

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      Dermclar Liposomes doublechin abdomen (10x5ml)